We bring together data stewards and researchers to efficiently compose data management plans (DMPs) for their research projects.
Data Stewards capture and combine their knowledge and expertise with respect to the specific needs of a domain or an organisation. Researchers are truly guided through composing a DMP which can be then exported using selected template and format, including machine-actionable. The benefit lies not only in having a nowadays often obligatory DMP for funders but mainly learning how to handle data correctly, make them FAIR, maintain them well during the project, and curate them long-term.
The DSW story originates in the Netherlands where Dr Rob Hooft of the Dutch Techcentre for Lifesciences (DTL) started collecting knowledge about data stewardship around 2012, when taking part in discussions on the introduction of Data Management Plans by national funder ZonMw, and formalised it in the form of a hierarchical mind map...
DSW Advisory Board is a non-decision making body composed of industry leaders, prominent experts and academics specialized in the field of data management planning, data stewardship, data fairification, and other related fields. DSW Advisory Board's mission is to support and advise the DSW core team to steer the DSW development, adoption of the DSW by a broad community, and embedding it in practice.