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The Data Stewardship Wizard is an application that is ready for integration with other services. Such services can be both public and private. By integrating DSW with other services in the environment, data management planning becomes even more convenient.

Integrations Illustration

Integration Questions

Questionnaires can be connected to external sources. Apart from getting to the answer being fast and easy, it also becomes automatically FAIR. For example, DSW is currently connected to FAIRsharing so you can enjoy their high-quality curated content around databases, standards and policies.

Integration Questions

Submission Services

Once a user creates a document using a specific template, it can be downloaded from DSW. But there is another option. DSW can be configured to allow document submission for a specific template and format. For example, a user creates Horizon 2020 DMP in PDF format which can then be submitted to a different service for review. Similarly, machine-actionable DMP in RDF format can be submitted through a specialized service to a triple store.

The intermediary services handling submission are usually needed to be tailored based on specific requirements of an organization.

Submission Services

Single Sign-On

Creating an account in DSW through the registration form is just one of the options. OpenID Connect standard for connecting identity provider services is supported directly in DSW and configurable by an administrator in the user interface. The advantages are evident. Users do not have to create another account and remember a password. Instead, they can easily use existing accounts from institutions or other services, for example, Google.

Single Sign-On

Documented API

The Data Stewardship Wizard provides REST API which is mainly consumed by our official client web application. However, it can be used in other services and scripts for integration purposes. The API can be used to query and manipulate data in DSW. For example, one may develop a script to collect FAIR metrics evaluation of all projects. There is Swagger API documentation embedded in each DSW instance.

Documented API