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Story of the DSW Teaching at the Clermont Auvergne University

The University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA) offers a Master's degree in Bioinformatics. One of the teaching units deals with the discovery of an HPC infrastructure and how to handle and share public data considering best practices and FAIR principles for reproducible sciences. DSW has a friendly web interface with various DMP flavors, which makes it rapidly usable by anyone without specific background. Therefore, students discover the benefits of data management, such as having a reflection on data storage and guidelines for data analysis through the lens of the data life cycle.

After intending a DSW practice done by ELIXIR-Luxembourg in 2020, we got the opportunity to have an annual temporary DSW server instance for teaching with effective administration support. Students handle their HPC project and use DSW as a tool to bring out questioning on data (usage, analysis, storage …) as well as metadata and standards.

Through this training approach, we hope to open students' minds to help them integrate best practices for reproducible sciences and be up-to-date when integrating real science projects during their internships.

Nadia Goué, AuBi platform, Mésocentre Clermont-Auvergne, UCA, France

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